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How to increase mobile network signal in the home

How to increase mobile network signal in the home

Most of us, and some point or the other, must have come across a situate ion where we are stuck with important work to do, and the only reason that is stopping us is the slow cellular data. Yes, this tends to become quite frustrating. It is important to sort it out as soon as possible. But to do that, it is equally important to finding out the cause behind the slow cellular data.

Here are the most common causes that might have been making the cellular data slow-

1. Physical obstructions- Some of us think that physical obstructions cannot be a hurdle for something that is as absorbent as network signals but to be honest, this is not a myth. Some materials used in building houses tend to interfere with the transmission of cellular signals.

2. Geographical features- For those staying in hilly areas, slow cellular data is something they would have been experiencing from the very beginning. This is because huge geographical features tend to block the signals to reach the households or offices from the signal towers.

3. Physical damage to the phone- Did you experience physical damage to the phone recently? Have you been experiencing slow cellular data speed since then? It should be easy for you to join the dots in that case. The physical damage to the phone and its hardware would have been responsible for the decreased speed of cellular data.

4. Sim damage- Though this is something that we do not heed very often but is one of the major points that one must check if you have experienced slow cellular data. Time-related wear and tear or any other type of damage to the sim might also result in interference in receiving the signal from the tower.

5. Software update-Each device, no matter which brand, needs its software to be updated at regular intervals or as and when provided by the company. There are a few times when we tend to forget the pending update. That is what brings a lot of trouble for the device operations. Things like automatic call drop, slow cellular data and other things start taking place. If you have been experiencing slow cellular data, this is another thing that you should check, which might be the cause of the problem you have been facing.

6. Distance of the tower- This is another major thing to check and identify the cause of the slow speed of the cellular data. A little research is needed, but if this is the case, you would then be able to take the appropriate actions to resolve the problem. The greater distance of the tower from the house would result in less speed, which needs consideration too.

7. Increased traffic- It is difficult for us to cross the road if the road has many vehicles. Similarly, it gets difficult for the signals to travel easily to your home if the transmission tower has increased traffic or, in other words, if there is a huge number of connections that are receiving the signals from the same tower.

8. Too many apps- It is not always the network, which can be due to your negligence. We opened up another app without realising that the previous app we worked on had not been closed yet. And while so many apps run simultaneously on the device, the signals that have been received tend to get divided among all those and subsequently decrease the speed of the cellular data for each.

After identifying the cause, the next thing that should be kept in place is the solution to the problem. Like a doctor prescribes medicine only after diagnosing the problem. Similarly, the solution can only be sorted out after identifying the cause. Here are some of the steps that can be followed to speed up the cellular signals-

1.Toggle the aeroplane mode- Toggling the aeroplane mode means switching on the aeroplane mode, setting it off and doing it a few times. This would enable the device to search for the network from scratch when you switch it on. This can also be done by resetting the phone. It would ultimately do the same task as toggling. Either of the two ways will likely get the lost signal strength back.

2.Move to a different room- As discussed above, some materials used in the building construction tend to interfere with the transmission of the signals inside the house. For the solution, you can try moving out of the house to some open space like a balcony or going to a different room to see if that works in restoring the lost signal strength of the cellular network.

3.Get the phone hardware checked- This is a solution tip after experiencing any physical damage to the phone. You can get the hardware checked for any damage that might have been causing interference with the signal-receiving capability of the device.

4.Change the service provider- In scenarios where the distance of the network tower of the service provider is quite away from home, this is the best solution ever. You can look for the service provider with the network tower near your place and request the existing service provider and the new provider to transfer the services from one to another. This might take a few days, but it will surely give you an unbeatable solution.

5.Clean or change the sim- When the old sim is the culprit, it is advisable to request that your service provider issue you a new one with the same number. You can also try cleaning the sim thoroughly and see if that might bring any difference in the speed of the cellular data.

6.Software update- As soon as you start experiencing the problem of slow cellular data, checking if your device is running on an updated version of the software or not is very important. If the version is older, one should get it updated without delay.

7.Signal boosters- You can also install signal booster devices in your home. Such devices tend to pick up even the weakest signals and amplify that several times, subsequently providing a strong cellular data speed.

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