Vehicle Cell Phone Signal Booster

Why Do I Drop Calls in My Car And How to Fix It?

Why Do I Drop Calls in My Car

When you drive on the road, you still want to stay in touch with those matter for you or need data signal to stay productivity of work on-the-go. Unreliable cell service on the road is the result of dropped calls, undelivered text and slow internet, which can be frustrating and even unsafe. However these troubles are affecting many drivers across North America and actions should be taken to maintain a fast and reliable connection in the car, for you and other passengers, no matter where the road takes you to. But before find solutions to improve cell phone signal for your car, let’s learn about what causes poor reception and drops your calls.

What causes bad cell phone reception?

Many different causes can lead to weak signal in your car. The most common causes include:

Distance from cell tower

In a remote area, distance from a cell tower has the greatest impact on signal strength. A cell tower has a certain range of signal coverage. The farther you’re from the nearest cell tower, the weaker the signal strength you will receive in your car.

An increasing number of users and phones

A cell tower also has a users capacity, which usually allows a limited amount of users and phones for phone calls and data simultaneously. You will receive slower service and data speed with an increasing number of devices connecting to one source.


Obstructions take an important role in weakening the signal transmitting from the cell tower. They can be categorized into construction material and organic materials. Construction material such as aluminium, steel and glass of the exterior of your car disrupt 3G, 4G LTE from reaching inside your car. Organic material like mountain, hills, trees or other dense plants also has an impact on weakening signal strength.

In a remote area, physical distance from a cell tower is the biggest factor for poor signal reception in your car, causing dead zone and dropped calls. In the urban area, interference and more users and devices are always the culprits for unreliable service.

How to get a better signal and avoid dropped calls

Free solution

Pull down the window.

If you can’t get a solid signal for a consistent call, pull down the window and see whether you can receive a better signal.

Wait a few minutes and call again.

As you’ve already known, every cell tower has a coverage range. When you’re moving on the road and experiencing a “dead zone”, it might because you’re at the edge of one tower. Keep driving and wait some time, when you approach into another tower range, you will re-obtain signal

Step out of your Vehicle.

If you fail to get a better signal by following the above steps, find a safe place and park your car. Step out of your car, walk around or increase your elevation by going up higher land to see whether you can get a stronger and stable signal.

Effective and permanent solution

If the above methods all fail, invest and install a cell phone signal booster.

A cell phone signal booster improves 3G and 4G LTE signal reception in your car mainly via its three components.

  • The external antenna captures the existing signal broadcasting from a cell tower and then send it the signal booster.
  • The signal booster: Boosts the received signal.
  • The internal antenna rebroadcasts the boosted signal throughout your car.

Check out Hiboost best cell phone signal boosters to improve signal for a car when on the road-Hiboost Travel 4G 2.0:

  • Boost 3G and 4G LTE
  • Work for all North American Carriers: AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, US Cellular, and more, without a monthly subscription fee
  • Support all cellular devices: Phones(Android&iPhone), tablets, laptops and hotspot
  • Come in one complete kit for easy install
  • One-time purchase and no recurring fee
  • 30-day money-back and 3-year warranty. Boost your signal or money back

    By installing a cell phone signal booster, you will be able to enjoy better call and text, clearer call quality and faster internet with reliable cell service and reception. Learn more about Hiboost Travel 4G 2.0 cell phone signal booster for your car.

Reading next

Best Cell Signal Boosters for A Cabin in Remote Area
What causes a dead zone

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